I'm completing this IBM Data Science certification on Coursera and one of the assignments require us to replicate this link- https://rawnote.dinhanhthi.com/files/ibm/neighborhoods_in_toronto.
I'm fairly new to this so I was going through the link to understand it and I couldn't understand some parts of the code.
So the objective of this assignment is to:
They've done the 4th point using the FourSqaure API as shown below:
LIMIT = 100 # limit of number of venues returned by Foursquare API
radius = 500 # define radius
url = 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/explore?&client_id={}&client_secret={}&v={}&ll={},{}&radius={}&limit={}'.format(
# get the result to a json file
results = requests.get(url).json()
The "results" variable looks like this:
{'meta': {'code': 200, 'requestId': '5eda4fb9aba297001b2f6207'},
'response': {'headerLocation': 'The Beaches',
'headerFullLocation': 'The Beaches, Toronto',
'headerLocationGranularity': 'neighborhood',
'totalResults': 4,
'suggestedBounds': {'ne': {'lat': 43.680857404499996,
'lng': -79.28682091449052},
'sw': {'lat': 43.67185739549999, 'lng': -79.29924148550948}},
'groups': [{'type': 'Recommended Places',
'name': 'recommended',
'items': [{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4bd461bc77b29c74a07d9282',
'name': 'Glen Manor Ravine',
'location': {'address': 'Glen Manor',
'crossStreet': 'Queen St.',
'lat': 43.67682094413784,
'lng': -79.29394208780985,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 43.67682094413784,
'lng': -79.29394208780985}],
'distance': 89,
'cc': 'CA',
'city': 'Toronto',
'state': 'ON',
'country': 'Canada',
'formattedAddress': ['Glen Manor (Queen St.)',
'Toronto ON',
'categories': [{'id': '4bf58dd8d48988d159941735',
'name': 'Trail',
'pluralName': 'Trails',
'shortName': 'Trail',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/parks_outdoors/hikingtrail_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4bd461bc77b29c74a07d9282-0'},
{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4ad4c062f964a52011f820e3',
'name': 'The Big Carrot Natural Food Market',
'location': {'address': '125 Southwood Dr',
'lat': 43.678879,
'lng': -79.297734,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 43.678879,
'lng': -79.297734}],
'distance': 471,
'postalCode': 'M4E 0B8',
'cc': 'CA',
'city': 'Toronto',
'state': 'ON',
'country': 'Canada',
'formattedAddress': ['125 Southwood Dr',
'Toronto ON M4E 0B8',
'categories': [{'id': '50aa9e744b90af0d42d5de0e',
'name': 'Health Food Store',
'pluralName': 'Health Food Stores',
'shortName': 'Health Food Store',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/shops/food_grocery_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []},
'venuePage': {'id': '75150878'}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4ad4c062f964a52011f820e3-1'},
{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4b8daea1f964a520480833e3',
'name': 'Grover Pub and Grub',
'location': {'address': '676 Kingston Rd.',
'crossStreet': 'at Main St.',
'lat': 43.679181434941015,
'lng': -79.29721535878515,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 43.679181434941015,
'lng': -79.29721535878515}],
'distance': 460,
'postalCode': 'M4E 1R4',
'cc': 'CA',
'city': 'Toronto',
'state': 'ON',
'country': 'Canada',
'formattedAddress': ['676 Kingston Rd. (at Main St.)',
'Toronto ON M4E 1R4',
'categories': [{'id': '4bf58dd8d48988d11b941735',
'name': 'Pub',
'pluralName': 'Pubs',
'shortName': 'Pub',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/nightlife/pub_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4b8daea1f964a520480833e3-2'},
{'reasons': {'count': 0,
'items': [{'summary': 'This spot is popular',
'type': 'general',
'reasonName': 'globalInteractionReason'}]},
'venue': {'id': '4df91c4bae60f95f82229ad5',
'name': 'Upper Beaches',
'location': {'lat': 43.68056321147582,
'lng': -79.2928688743688,
'labeledLatLngs': [{'label': 'display',
'lat': 43.68056321147582,
'lng': -79.2928688743688}],
'distance': 468,
'cc': 'CA',
'city': 'Toronto',
'state': 'ON',
'country': 'Canada',
'formattedAddress': ['Toronto ON', 'Canada']},
'categories': [{'id': '4f2a25ac4b909258e854f55f',
'name': 'Neighborhood',
'pluralName': 'Neighborhoods',
'shortName': 'Neighborhood',
'icon': {'prefix': 'https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/parks_outdoors/neighborhood_',
'suffix': '.png'},
'primary': True}],
'photos': {'count': 0, 'groups': []}},
'referralId': 'e-0-4df91c4bae60f95f82229ad5-3'}]}]}}
I'm not sure how to proceed. The below image is what is mentioned in the link but:
venues = results['response']['groups'][0]['items']
? Isn't json_normalize()
supposed to convert a json file to a datframe? So why cant we
directly do json_normalize(results)?I'm pretty much lost from section 4.6 onwards in the link.
if anyone could help me out or guide me that would be amazing! :)
will only flatten the records in one path, for example in your json, you can flatten each path separately:
response -> suggestedBounds
response -> groups -> items
And then you'd have to merge them together
df1 = pd.json_normalize(d['response'], record_path=['groups', 'items'], meta=[])
df2 = pd.json_normalize(d['response'])
df3 = pd.json_normalize(d['meta'])
referralId reasons.count ... venue.location.postalCode venue.venuePage.id
0 e-0-4bd461bc77b29c74a07d9282-0 0 ... NaN NaN
1 e-0-4ad4c062f964a52011f820e3-1 0 ... M4E 0B8 75150878
2 e-0-4b8daea1f964a520480833e3-2 0 ... M4E 1R4 NaN
3 e-0-4df91c4bae60f95f82229ad5-3 0 ... NaN NaN
[4 rows x 21 columns]
headerLocation headerFullLocation headerLocationGranularity ... suggestedBounds.ne.lng suggestedBounds.sw.lat suggestedBounds.sw.lng
0 The Beaches The Beaches, Toronto neighborhood ... -79.286821 43.671857 -79.299241
[1 rows x 9 columns]
code requestId
0 200 5eda4fb9aba297001b2f6207
If you want to flatten the full json, you can try flatten_json
. Documentation: Flatten JSON