I'm currently designing a REST-API.
Let's say I want to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE the following object(s)
Let's say I have the following informations which I want to GET/PUT/POST/DELETE (This is just a small example. The real object has some more properties)
public class Person
public int Id{get;set;}
public string Firstname{get;set;}
public string Lastname{get;set;}
public DateTime Birthday{get;set;}
public Gender Gender{get;set;}
public string Title{get;set;}
public Address Address{get;set;}
public Contact[] Contacts{get;set;}
public History[] HistoryItems{get;set;}
public Relative[] Relatives{get;set;}
public class Address
public string Street{get;set;}
public string ZipCode{get;set;}
public string City{get;set;}
public string State{get;set;}
public string Country{get;set;}
public class Contact
public string Name{get;set;}
public string Value{get;set;}
public class History
public DateTime TimeStamp{get;set;}
public string OldValue{get;set;}
public string NewValue{get;set;}
public string ChangedItemd{get;set;}
public class Relative
public int RelativeType{get;set;}
public Person Person{get;set;}
To improve the performance of the API and the Clients (the informations are displayed on several tabs inside a TabControl. So only the currently displayed infos should be loaded) i thought about introducing more than one REST-Endpoint.
So I then would have
for the contacts of a person
for the address of a person
for the "main"-informations of the person
for the relatives to a person
This would just work fine for the GET-Request. But I think there would be a problem with the PUT/POST/DELTE-Requests. Because everything should be persisted to database inside a transaction. This (as far as i know) is not possible with multiple REST-Requests.
So what's the alternative? One "big"-Endpoint which always reads all informations from the database?
I think your structure is wrong, the identifer after contacts (for exemple) can not be the personId
. This should be the id of the previous ressource.
For exemple, this route:
should be like that:
If you follow this rule, your APIs look like that:
GET only on