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Problem with canvas using vega with nodejs (server side only)

I've been working for a few weeks now on a Discord bot that basically compiles stats on the server and deduces patterns. In order to improve it, I wanted to make it generate graphs as PNGs in order to send them back to the user - in short, no DOM. In order to achieve this, I'm currenlty using vega (version 5.10.1 - latest) and node-canvas (version 2.6.1 - latest), with nodejs v12.16.1.

I've been scouring the web for help on vega usage, and found a couple contradicting sources. I've been using the example code provided here :

The thing is that I keep getting this error :

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null
message:"Cannot read property 'getContext' of null"
stack:"TypeError: Cannot read property 'getContext' of null
    at resize (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-scenegraph\build\vega-scenegraph.js:3665:28)
    at CanvasRenderer.prototype$6.resize (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-scenegraph\build\vega-scenegraph.js:3714:5)
    at CanvasRenderer.prototype$4.initialize (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-scenegraph\build\vega-scenegraph.js:3294:17)
    at CanvasRenderer.prototype$6.initialize (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-scenegraph\build\vega-scenegraph.js:3709:28)
    at initializeRenderer (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-view\build\vega-view.js:657:8)
    at renderHeadless (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\PERSO\JS\test-StatBot\node_modules\vega-view\build\vega-view.js:780:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    at async View.renderToCanvas [as toCanvas] (e:\DEV\GIT REPOS\GITHUB\P...

Here is the code which is giving me trouble :

// Imports
const vega = require('vega');

// Render image from given graph spec (statsObject)
async function graphToImage (statsObject) {

    graphObject = new vega.View(vega.parse(statsObject), { renderer: 'none'});

    const pngName = generateFileName(10);


    graphObject.toCanvas().then(canvas => {

        console.log('Writing PNG to file...');
        writeFile(`../../../../generated/${pngName}.png`, canvas.toBuffer());

    }).catch(err => {

        console.log("Error writing PNG to file:");


    return pngName;

I don't really know how canvas or vega work, and so I have no idea what could be causing this issue and how to fix it... However, the problem seems to be located inside of the toCanvas() method. Any help is much appreciated !

Thanks in advance !


  • // Using view.toSVG() along with the npm package sharp worked well for me 
    const view = new vega.View(vega.parse(templateObject), {renderer: 'none'});
    view.toSVG().then(async function (svg) {
        await sharp(Buffer.from(svg))
    }).catch(function(err) {