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How to add Title in video by ffmpeg on Node JS

I am working on a project where I have to add Title on a video by FFmpeg. I have already succeeded in adding a picture on a video. Can anybody help me to add Text(Title) on a video?

Here is my code for adding Image, please suggest the required modification:

    try {
        var process = new ffmpeg('public/';
        process.then(function (video) {
          console.log('The video is ready to be processed');
          var watermarkPath = 'public/images/logo.png',
            newFilepath = 'public/videos/watermarked/'+name,
            settings = {
                position        : "SC"      // Position: NE NC NW SE SC SW C CE CW
              , margin_nord     : null      // Margin nord
              , margin_sud      : null      // Margin sud
              , margin_east     : null      // Margin east
              , margin_west     : null      // Margin west
          var callback = function (error, files) {
              console.log('ERROR: ', error);
              console.log('TERMINOU', files);
          //add watermark
          video.fnAddWatermark(watermarkPath, newFilepath, settings, callback)

        }, function (err) {
          console.log('Error: ' + err);
      } catch (e) {


  • command.videoFilters({
      filter: 'drawtext',
      options: {
        fontfile: 'Lucida Grande.ttf',
        text: 'THIS IS TEXT',
        /* etc. */