Search code examples

No event tracking in Google Analytics

I am sending a POST request to the Google analytics measurment protocol at

However it is not being tracked on my site. I am sending it with Java API. I use rest template, feingClient, gama-client-core, google-analytics-java libraries. The result is always the same - the event does not track. If I change mine tid to another, then the event is displayed in another resource. Or if I call this link through POSTMAN, then the result is also successful.


  • The debug call for your request looks fine.

      "hitParsingResult": [ {
        "valid": true,
        "parserMessage": [ ],
        "hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026t=event\u0026tid=UA-151666808-2\u0026cid=123\u0026el=cus\u0026ea=CLIENT_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS3\u0026ec=Server"
      } ],
      "parserMessage": [ {
        "messageType": "INFO",
        "description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
      } ]

    Data Processing time.

    Check the real time api to ensure that the hits are being recorded if they are then you are all set. Then wait 24 - 48 hours for the data to complete processing you should see it in the standard reports then.

    bot filtering

    Make sure you have disabled bot filtering on the view

    enter image description here

    New google analytics account

    It takes up to 72 hours for an account newly created in Google analytics to start showing data.