I would like to use Leaflet.Polyline.SnakeAnim and I have a question. Is there an example how to create custom component in react-leaflet?
Install the library and import leaflet.polyline.snakeanim/L.Polyline.SnakeAnim.js
then create a wrapper to call the necessary methods to trigger the animation. You can have a startAnimation
prop to trigger the animation but you can adjust it to your needs:
... // imports here
const SnakeAnim = ({ startAnimation }) => {
const { map } = useLeaflet();
useEffect(() => {
if (!startAnimation) return;
const trd = [63.5, 11];
const mad = [40.5, -3.5];
const lnd = [51.5, -0.5];
const ams = [52.3, 4.75];
const vlc = [39.5, -0.5];
const route = L.featureGroup([
L.marker(trd, { icon }),
L.polyline([trd, ams]),
L.marker(ams, { icon }),
L.polyline([ams, lnd]),
L.marker(lnd, { icon }),
L.polyline([lnd, mad]),
L.marker(mad, { icon }),
L.polyline([mad, vlc]),
L.marker(vlc, { icon })
route.on("snakestart snake snakeend", ev => {
}, [startAnimation]);
return null;
Use it like this, import the wrapper inside react-leaflet's Map wrapper:
const [startAnimation, setStartAnimation] = useState(false);
const startSnake = () => setStartAnimation(true);
return (
<Map center={position} zoom={zoom} style={{ height: "90vh" }}>
attribution='&copy <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
<SnakeAnim startAnimation={startAnimation} />
<button onClick={startSnake}>Snake it!</button>
Create a btn add a listener and trigger the animation via a flag.