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problem creating windows package using jpackage in windows 10?

I am using openjdk 14.0.1

i have been following the tutorial

Following the tutorial for Runtime images Modular from CLI

i have successfully created the runtime image using jlink. The created runtime image is as follows and using the jvm inside the bin i can run this application.

enter image description here

In order to create the package from this runtime

i am using the command

jpackage --runtime-image hellofx --module hellofx/hellofx.HelloFX

This creates an installer as shown below

enter image description here

but when i run the installer a sound comes and nothing happens. If i open the installer again the same happens i.e sound and nothing happens. So i am wondering whether i am doing the process correctly. I appreciate any help! Thanks!


  • So it turns out it installed silently. When the installer is run it runs and exits quickly. So there was no confirmation that made it look like an error. Today when i checked the program files, i found the app was installed and also it runs. Thanks!

    enter image description here