I am trying to do what PHP does with the &
operator but in javascript. An example would be the following:
// PHP
$a = '100110100011111000100110';
$b = '111111111111111111111110';
echo $a & $b //100110100011111000100110
Well, it is the result that I must achieve in javascript ... trying it from the beginning would be ..
// JS
const a = 100110100011111000100110;
const b = 111111111111111111111110;
console.log(a & b) //536870912
Honestly, I know very little about binary, I have tried some functions using bitwise XOR and reviewed the topic right here in StackOverflow but the truth is confused.
Well thanks to the comments of those who responded, and looking and entering the topic, I reviewed the documentation of both languages and then what I did was divide the strings, and do the and - &
to each pair of their position and the result it was similar to php.
here as I did.
const a = '100110100011111000100110';
const b = '111111111111111111111110';
function andBin (one, two) {
const _a = one.split('')
const _b = two.split('')
let result = ''
_a.map((e, i) => {
result += Number(e) & Number(_b[i])
return result
andBin(a, b) // 100110100011111000100110
ready. resolved, thank you all very much.