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Simple getter invoker with Byte buddy

I am just learning byte buddy, and want to create the simplest getter invoker, but, unfortunately could find how to do it. So, the problem:

I have a lot classes, that I scan and if I find in a class a field that is annotated with FooAnnotation annotation I must be able to get the value of this field using this class instance getter method.

This is my code:

interface GetterInvoker<T, S> {

    //this method must `return instance.getterMethod()`;
    S getValueFrom(T instance);

abstract class AsbtractGetterInvoker implements GetterInvoker {
    //...some logic

Main code

Class<?> scannedClass = ...
Field annotatedField = ....
Method getterMethod = ....

//generating class
Class<?> tempClass = new ByteBuddy()
    .subclass(AsbtractGetterInvoker.class, ConstructorStrategy.Default.IMITATE_SUPER_CLASS)

Could anyone say how to do it?


  • You'd create such an implementation using MethodCall which allows you to do exactly this.