I am building an Autocomplete component in react so I can render individual autocomplete(s) in a single page; I want to render the suggestions from Autocomplete in a separate component.
I tried using
class Parent extends Component {
getData = (data) => {
if (data) return data;
render () {
<AutoComplete passData={this.getData} />
// after some other elements
export const Child = (props) => {
const updateSuggestion = (suggestions) => {
But somehow, it's failing me. To confuse me even more, if I just console.log the retrieved data using the code below, it works perfectly!
getData = (data) => {
if (data) console.log(data);
To complicate things even further, it fails me even if I return a hard-coded element:
getData = (data) => {
if (data) return <p>Hello</p>;
Although it works when I remove if (data)
I'm completely lost as to what's happening here and would appreciate the slightest of help!
You can't use
when component will render for first time these {this.getData()}
will not have data
Instead of returning data you need to use state method that will that will render component again so that your data will show up on inside render see this Post enter link description here