I'm very new to jBPM, running the most recent build with the BusinessCentral portal.I want to export a project so that I can add it to an external repository. Is there a way to export a project as a whole by downloading all files, or is there another way to accomplish this?
Yes, this is possible with git.
For exporting:
You can essentially create a git repo on your computer, attach the business central as a remote host and pull in the changes. You can see the ssh of your project if you click on your project and go into "Settings".
git init
git remote add origin ssh://wbadmin@localhost:8001/MySpace/YOUR-PROJECT-NAME
git pull origin master
See also tutorial 3.7.2 https://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/release/7.36.0.Final/jbpm-docs/html_single/#_business_application_with_business_assets
This tutorial lets you import and then export again.
For Importing
See: https://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/release/7.36.0.Final/jbpm-docs/html_single/#_run_your_business_application
Import your business assets project into Business Central