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Hide button everywhere besides specific URL in knockout

I have the following button:

<button class="btn actionButtonIcon" id="DashboardEdit" data-bind="click: changeButtonText">
        <img src="../../../Images/NotesPink.png" />
        <figcaption data-bind="text: $data.ProcurementbuttonText() ? 'Save': 'Edit'"></figcaption>

I want to only show it in this specific url http://localhost:5595/#scorecard/ec5aa8ed-2798-4e71-b13d-f3e525994538/dashboard/PrefDashBoard

Bearing in mind that ec5aa8ed-2798-4e71-b13d-f3e525994538 is an id, thats always changing but i want it to show with all ids as well for example the button should show here as well http://localhost:5595/#scorecard/2356789-234-234d-g3g3-reg456452/dashboard/PrefDashBoard and i want to hide it where this isnt the url. I tried the following code but it doesnt seem to work:


Here is the JS of that button:

            self.ProcurementbuttonText = ko.observable(false);

        self.changeButtonText = function(){
            if (!self.ProcurementbuttonText()){
                var data = {

        self.DashboardEdit = ko.computed({
            read: function () {
                var text = 'Customise your dashboard';

                if (!self.EnableScorecardFeatures()) {
                    text = 'This feature is currently unavailable for this scorecard type';
                } else {
                    if (!self.HasDocumentsRole()) {
                        text = 'You do not have sufficient rights to access the Supporting Documents view';

                return text;


  • i think you can take advantage of the visible binding to show/hide the button based on your criteria

    function PageViewModel() {
      var self = this;
      self.buttonVisible = ko.observable(true);
      self.changeButtonText = function() {
      self.ProcurementbuttonText = ko.observable(false);
      self.buttonText = ko.pureComputed(function() {
        return self.ProcurementbuttonText() ? "Save" : "Edit";
      self.isButtonVisible = ko.computed(function() {
        //do some your logic here.  just need to return a true or false value;
        return self.buttonVisible();
      self.labelText = ko.pureComputed(function() {
        var messageStart = "click to ";
        var state = self.buttonVisible() ? 'hide' : 'show';
        var messageEnd = " button";
        return messageStart + state + messageEnd;
    ko.applyBindings(new PageViewModel());
    <script src=""></script>
    <button class="btn actionButtonIcon" id="DashboardEdit" data-bind="click: changeButtonText, visible: isButtonVisible, text: buttonText">
    Click me.
    <label><span data-bind="text: labelText " ></span>
      <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: buttonVisible" />