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Throw Exceptions in CODESYS

How can I throw standard system exceptions (and if possible, create custom exceptions and throw them too).

The simplest thing that comes to mind, is to just divide a variable by zero, but that's just a hack at best.

I did find mentions of a function AppGenerateException in the CmpApp library, but I can't find any documentation for it, nor any examples. Can anybody point me to some documentation for this?


  • Out of curiosity I checked the AppGenerateException and got it working. Got some help from this Codesys help page.

    I still think this is not the best way to achieve what you need, but it could work.

    Unfortunately, I have 64 bit system and the TRY..CATCH is not yet working in other that 32 bit systems as far as I know, so I couldn't test catching.

    Add the following libraries:

    • CmpApp
    • SysExcept

    Then the following code seems to work. Set ThrowErr to true to get the system exception.

    PROGRAM PRG_TestThrow
        MY_PRIVATE_EXCEPTION : DWORD := 32001;
        ThrowErr    : BOOL; //Set this to TRUE to throw an error
        //The next two are for getting App instance
        _pApp       : POINTER TO CmpApp.APPLICATION;
        _Result     : SysExcept.SysTypes.RTS_IEC_RESULT;
    //Get App instance
    _pApp := AppGetCurrent(pResult := ADR(_Result));
    IF ThrowErr THEN
        ThrowErr := FALSE;
        IF _pApp <> 0 THEN
            //Throw divide by zero exception
            AppGenerateException(pApp:=_pApp,   ulException:=RtsExceptions.RTSEXCPT_DIVIDEBYZERO);
            //You could use probably any available number as your own custom exception. 
            //For example the following works BUT not sure if it's ok to this.
            //AppGenerateException(pApp:=_pApp,   ulException:=MY_PRIVATE_EXCEPTION);
            //See RtsExceptions type for available exception codes. 
            //For my Codesys version, it has largest exception number of 0x2000 so all larger number are free (for now...)

    It seems that it's possibly to use any custom exception code like:

    AppGenerateException(pApp:=_pApp,   ulException:=MY_PRIVATE_EXCEPTION);

    But it's not documented so I would be careful.