I've seen some javascript parser generators:
Jison (http://zaach.github.com/jison/)
PEG.js (http://pegjs.majda.cz/)
ANTLR (http://www.antlr.org/)
JS/CC (http://jscc.jmksf.com/)
Does any one have any experience with them?
What are the pros and cons? Are these libraries ready for production? And performance?
I want to parse and run a different language in javascript
I'm not sure if you want a parser generator that would spit a JavaScript written parser or a parser generator that would use a JavaScript grammar to build a JavaScript parser.
Anyway, I've only used ANTLR and JavaCC. ANTLR allows you to generate your parser in different languages (C, C#, Java) and it's pretty cool checking your Context-free grammar expressions on their GUI tree-like form. Never found a JavaScript grammar for it though.
JavaCC has a downside. Only generates the parser in Java. On the other hand, I found it easier to learn and to step from the part where you build the parser to - what I found to be the best part - building whatever you want around it e.g., code translator, rephraser, etc, etc.