I've been working on a messenger chatbot that recommends songs based on the mood of the user and I am stuck on routing a reply to the user after the HTML form for preferences has been filled out...
my HTML code only consists of a form that starts as:
<form action="/postback" method="get">
in my index.js file, i check for the endpoint using:
app.get('/postback', (req, res) => {
this always results in a 500 Internal Service Error in console. Would really appreciate some advice on why this may be happening.
EDIT: here are other relevant parts of my code:
request = require('request'),
express = require('express'),
body_parser = require('body-parser'),
path = require('path'),
app = express().use(body_parser.json()); // creates express http server
here is an image of my file system: filepath
Change the method to POST. I do believe get doesnt send a request body. Forms should post data not get.