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Seeding Dagger 2 Factory with Config

I'm just getting started with Dagger & Dependency Injection and wondering about configuration at runtime for some of the lower-level dependencies. Is there a way to provide a low-level injected Singleton with a configuration object at runtime?

Basic idea of what I'm after:

class DatabaseService {
   public DatabaseService(DatabaseConnectionConfig config) { // how can this arg be passed in at runtime?
      // make the connection

class HighLevelService {
   public HighLevelService(DatabaseService db) {

class Module {
  abstract HighLevelService bindHighLevelService(HighLevelService svc);

  abstract DatabaseService bindDatabaseService(DatabaseService svc);

@Component(modules = {
interface Factory {
  HighLevelService highLevelService();

  static Factory create() {
    return DaggerFactory.create();

public class App {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // get the config details from the arguments
    DatabaseConnectionConfig config = parseDBConfigFromArgs(args);
    // is there a way to configure the DatabaseConnectionConfig from here?
    HighLevelService svc = Factory.create().highLevelService();


  • You can use a @Component.Factory (or @Component.Builder) with @BindsInstance.

    interface Factory {
        HighLevelService highLevelService();
        // This nested interface is typically called "Factory", but I
        // don't want to look up how to access Factory from Factory.Factory
        interface MyFactory {
            Factory create(@BindsInstance DatabaseConnectionConfig config);
        static Factory create(DatabaseConnectionConfig config) {
            return DaggerFactory.factory().create(config);
    public class App {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        DatabaseConnectionConfig config = parseDBConfigFromArgs(args);
        HighLevelService svc = Factory.create(config).highLevelService();