For processing data from DB I am using flink. I have created input with jdbc.
val inputFormat = JDBCInputFormat.buildJDBCInputFormat()
.setQuery("select id, name from users")
The issue is that this input is getting all data from table. Since this table contains huge amount of information I need something like pageable jdbc source. Is there any additional setting I can use for that?
You can split a query in to multiple partial which are independently executed by specifying the query as a parameterized query and providing values to bind against the parameter(s).
The following is taken from the JavaDoc of JDBCInputFormat
* <p>In order to query the JDBC source in parallel, you need to provide a
* parameterized query template (i.e. a valid {@link PreparedStatement}) and
* a {@link ParameterValuesProvider} which provides binding values for the
* query parameters. E.g.:
* <pre><code>
* Serializable[][] queryParameters = new String[2][1];
* queryParameters[0] = new String[]{"Kumar"};
* queryParameters[1] = new String[]{"Tan Ah Teck"};
* JDBCInputFormat jdbcInputFormat = JDBCInputFormat.buildJDBCInputFormat()
* .setDrivername("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver")
* .setDBUrl("jdbc:derby:memory:ebookshop")
* .setQuery("select * from books WHERE author = ?")
* .setRowTypeInfo(rowTypeInfo)
* .setParametersProvider(new GenericParameterValuesProvider(queryParameters))
* .finish();
* </code></pre>
Note that: