I want my widget to have a "configure widget" option along the default "app info" and "remove from home" I get when creating a widget. Ive being looking into the android documentations for a few hours and I cant find if there's a standard way of doing this. I'm not sure if there's a standard android approach of adding menu items to this context menu or if its only something specific to the installed launcher but on my Samsung device, the pre-installed clock widget has this exact feature as shown here:
I tried adding an app shortcut (but it is obviously not the case since a widget does not have a "LAUNCHER" activity)
I tried adding an option menu
I tried adding different actions to my configuration activity.
any guidance or direction to the correct documentation would be appreciated.
I found the solution. it is specifically to add a "widget settings" feature to the context menu.
under your provider info xml, simply add: