Java API would be - localhost://company/products/123/fetchOptions Its response would be like same below :
"Increase": true,
"Decrease" : true,
"Like" : true,
"Dislike" : true,
"Old" : false,
"Others" : true
Now on UI using Angular & ngrx i need to include changes to fetch data from above API and display all 6 values above as dropdown Options.
The value with boolean false will be shown in dropdown but would be disabled.
How to do that using Ngrx ?
i know a bit about it, that first i need to define Interface, then Any Action followed by its dispatcher so that i can subscribe to it in my UI component (productAttributes.component.ts).
How would be my interface like and other things ? Currently using JSON to make everything ready, later will replace JSON url with API
Thanks in advance for help...
You need to:
export const optionsFeatureKey = 'options';
export const optionsLoad = createAction(
export const optionsSuccess = createAction(
props<{data: OptionsState}>(),
export const optionsFailure = createAction(
export interface OptionsState {
Increase: boolean;
Decrease: boolean;
Like: boolean;
Dislike: boolean;
Old: boolean;
Others: boolean;
export const initialState: OptionsState = {
Increase: false,
Decrease: false,
Like: false,
Dislike: false,
Old: false,
Others: false,
const reducer = createReducer(
on(optionsSuccess, (state, {data}) => ({
export function optionsReducer(state: OptionsState | undefined, action: Action): OptionsState {
return reducer(state, action);
export const optionsFeature = createFeatureSelector<OptionsState>(optionsFeatureKey);
export const getOptions = createSelector(
v => v,
export class OptionsEffects {
public readonly load$: Observable<Action> = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(() => this.http.get<OptionsState>(``).pipe(
map(data => optionsSuccess({data: data})),
catchError(() => of(optionsFailure())),
protected readonly actions$: Actions,
protected readonly http: HttpClient,
) {}
and somewhere in your app
store.dispatch(optionsLoad()); => {
// logic.