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how to resolve Unchecked Input for Loop Condition checkmarx issue in java

I am getting Unchecked Input for Loop Condition checkmarx issue.
I tried recommended code handling but its not working for me.

Checkmarx report's description :

Method transformPojoCommon at line 334 of
to_web/src/com/toweb/bd/ gets user input from
element TC_TRAIN_CAT_NAME . This element’s value flows through the
code without being validated, and is eventually used in a loop
condition in getParentTrainTypes at line 162 of
to_web/src/com/toweb/dao/ This constitutes an
Unchecked Input for Loop Condition.

I tried below code:


private String valdiateRequestInput(String currentPage) {
    try {
        currentPage = ESAPI.validator().getValidInput("HTTP parameter value: ", currentPage, "HTTPParameterValue", 2000, true);
    } catch (Exception e1) {
        log.error("failed to validate HTTP parameter value ", e1);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to validate HTTP parameter value "+currentPage, e1);
    return currentPage;


  • I have fixed these issues by using ESAPI.validator().getValidInteger() or ESAPI.validator().getValidDouble() based on the return type.

    Hope this solution will help you too.