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Blazor, how to pass event target to JavaScript

I'd like to ask:

In Blazor, how to pass event target (or this) to my JavaScript? The thing is I'm creating inputs with @foreach so there can be a number of them.

Here is how it looks like:

@foreach (Item in ItemsList)

I want to simple onchange trigger this function:


    async Task ChangeColor()
        await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("changeColor");

And eventually read the value in my JS:

function changeColor (el) {



I tried using @ref, however I'd like to get access to the input that triggers the function. Since there may by many of them, I don't want to hardcode it using @ref to each of them.


  • As said in the comments

    @Vencovsky I hoped to get DOM elemenet

    And if you want to show in the console the DOM element, you need to pass @ref to the DOM element and pass that reference to javascript

    But then you say in your question

    I tried using @ref, however I'd like to get access to the input that triggers the function. Since there may by many of them, I don't want to hardcode it using @ref to each of them.

    So it's kind of confusing, because you need to use @ref but you say you don't want to use @ref, so what I think is happening is that you used @ref the wrong way and you think you don't need it, but actually you do.

    Here is what you need

    • A property to hold all the refs of each element (ElementReference)
    • Pass to ChangeColor only the element that is clicked

    Here is an example on how to do it

    @for(var i = 0; i < ItemsList.Count(); i++)
        var ii = i;
        @* Passing only the ref that called @onchange *@
        <input @onchange="(() => ChangeColor(Refs[ii]))" 
        IJSRuntime JSRuntime  { get; set; }
        async Task ChangeColor(ElementReference el)
            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("changeColor", el);
        // Property that will hold the refs 
        ElementReference[] Refs { get; set; }
        string[] ItemsList { get; set; } = new string[]