Search code examples

How to count records in given interval?

I have a table with created column. I need to check if there at least one record that was created less then a minute ago, from last record with same user_id. E.g.

|            created|user_id|
|2020-01-01T22:22:22|      1|
|2020-01-01T22:22:44|      1|

^ Matches my clause. Created in one minute interval.

|            created|user_id|
|2020-01-01T22:22:22|      1|
|2020-01-01T22:24:44|      1|

^ Not matches, created in more than one minute interval.


  • You can use distinct on and window functions:

    select distinct on (user_id) 
            <= lag(created_at) over(partition by user_id order by created_at) + interval '1' minute as flag
    from mytable
    order by user_id, created_at desc

    This gives you one record per user_id, with a boolean column called flag that indicates whether the last but one created_at is one minute older or less than the latest created_at.

    Demo on DB Fiddle.

    Sample data:

    created_at          | user_id
    :------------------ | ------:
    2020-01-01 22:22:22 |       1
    2020-01-01 22:22:44 |       1
    2020-01-01 22:22:22 |       2
    2020-01-01 22:24:44 |       2


    user_id | flag
    ------: | :---
          1 | t   
          2 | f