I am trying to plot 3D .NET web charts to show time vs temperature lines with the Z Axis showing the curve for each months. I am looking for a solution which is Similar to the one shown on the images below.
You should be able to achieve it by using the scatter3d
series in Highcharts. Because I am not a .NET developer I prepared a basic demo in Highcharts JS how to achieve similar chart.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/r1Lant7p/
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'scatter3d',
options3d: {
enabled: true,
alpha: 10,
beta: 30,
depth: 250,
viewDistance: 5,
fitToPlot: false,
And here is a basic demo of the scatter3d
chart in the Highcharts.NET wrapper: https://dotnet.highcharts.com/Highcharts/Demo/Gallery?demo=Scatter3d&theme=default
API: https://dotnet.highcharts.com/Help/Highcharts/html/index.html