I've got this problem and I can't seem to solve it.
A sample of my data:
{'item': 'U',
'field_1': 3,
'field_2': 1,
'field_3': 1,
'field_4': 2,
'field_5': 5,
{'item': 'Y',
'field_1': 9,
'field_2': 2,
'field_3': 3,
'field_4': 5,
'field_5': 1,
I would like to create a new field called REST, which will be the sum of fields not in my input array ([field_1, field_5]
My desired result is this (for input [field_1, field_5]
{'item': 'U',
'REST': 13,
{'item': 'Y',
'REST': 20
Mongo gurus please help!, Deeply appreciate it. Thanks!
You can use $objectToArray and $filter to achieve this:
$addFields: {
rootAsArray: {
$filter: {
input: {$objectToArray: "$$ROOT"},
as: "field",
cond: {
$and: [
{$ne: ["$$field.k", "_id"]},
{$ne: ["$$field.k", "item"]},
...any other field that's not relevant, you can also just add these to input arr ...
{$not: {$setIsSubset: [["$$field.k"], ["field_1", "field_5"]]}}
$project: {
item: "$item",
$sum: {
$map: {
input: "$rootAsArray",
as: "value",
in: "$$value.v"