I'm trying to trigger a button click from another button to use in my squarespace website.
I'm adding the following to the header:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
offerteHeader = $( "a.theme-btn--primary-inverse:contains('Offerte aanvragen')" );
offerteForm = $("button:contains('Offerte aanvragen')");
offerteHeader.on( "click", function() {offerteForm.click()});
When I click the OfferteHeader button nothing happens :(.
OfferteHeader and offerteForm seem to refference fine when I log the to the console.
Also firing offerteForm.click() from the chrome dev console seem to work fine and trigger the event.
I also checked if the listener was working with a log to the console and if it could refference to offerteForm.
What is the problem here? The site can be found on https://sturgeon-groundhog-cnzt.squarespace.com/ password is bellboy. Sorry, it's a squarespace site, can not change that.
this isn't best practice but working:
$(document).ready(function() {
var offerteHeader = $("a.theme-btn--primary-inverse:contains('Offerte aanvragen')");
var offerteForm = $("button:contains('Offerte aanvragen')");
offerteHeader.click(function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {