I have a JOSN some thing like this
"Room" :{
"Book" :
"name" : "abc"
"name" : "xyz"
"name" : "abc123"
"Tv" :
"name" : "zyc"
"name" :"sound ++"
From this JSON I want to filter out all book elements("book","book1","book2") using JSONPATH
As I got to know in in JSONPATH we do not have any "Like" type syntax , but we can do that by using regex.
I tried with this
But this expression return nothing from the JSON.
Can any one help me out in this...
Maybe this link will be helpful for you . Check the table
$..book[?(@.author =~ /.*Tolkien/i)].
This expression brings All books whose author name ends with Tolkien (case-insensitive) --> Modify it for yours