I'm new to vue.js but I'm trying to display a list of options from an underlying array. However, when the underlying array is changed the list does not update/re-render. I am assigning the new array directly to the vue instance data value (not using splice or assigning via index) and in the console if I try and print out the underlying data (vm.clarifyings
) that is updated, it is just the re-rendering that is not working. Even using vm.clarifyings.push(object)
does not update the view in the browser.
Vue instance code:
var vm = new Vue({
delimiters: ['$[', '$]'], //change delimiters to allow django integration
el: '#vue_app',
data: {
title: init_info.title, //page title
active: 'presentations',
navClass: 'nav-item nav-link', //necessary for navbar rendering
features: features,
question: '',
response: '',
feature_id: init_info.opening,
last_feature: '',
clarif_id: '',
clarifyings: [],
show_clarifying: false,
Relevant method update:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(function (data) {
// Type out question and response
typeWriter(data.question, 'question');
typeWriter(data.answer, 'response');
// Save selected option and disable previous selected option
vm.last_feature = option_ref;
// Show clarifying questions
vm.clarifyings = data.clarifyings;
if (vm.clarifyings.length){
vm.show_clarifying = true;
else {
vm.show_clarifying = false;
All of this executes normally it is simply the re-rendering that isn't working. If I specify the array when I initialize the Vue instance it renders properly it simply does not update.
HTML code:
<select class="selectpicker" data-live-search="true" v-model="clarif_id">
<option v-for="question in clarifyings">$[question.id$] - $[question.name$]</option>
The problem appeared to be a result of interference with bootstrap-selectpicker, it was fixed by using nextTick functionality in vue like so:
if (feature_asked) {
vm.clarifyings = data.clarifyings;
if (vm.clarifyings.length) {
vm.show_clarifying = true;
vm.$nextTick(function () {