I work on angular 7 app I need to return data from allReportsubCategory based on report Category ID
but I face issue how to return data from allReportsubCategory based on reportcategoryID .
so How to write function return reports based on ReportCategoryID ?
this.allReportsubCategory =[
"reportID": 1,
"reportName": "xxx",
"reportIndex": 1,
"reportCategoryID": 3,
"reportID": 17,
"reportName": "Jobs Monitor",
"reportIndex": 1,
"reportCategoryID": 3
"reportID": 2025,
"reportName": "Old Tables Report",
"reportIndex": 1,
"reportCategoryID": 3
on service.ts
return this.allReportsubCategory.??????
so I need when pass 3 to function GetreportByCategoryId(reportcategoryID) return all data above based on reportcategoryid= 3
updated post
when call it on component as below
this.reportByCategoryId = this._displayreport.GetreportByCategoryId("3");
console.log("data by category id" + this.reportByCategoryId )
no return for data above and console log as below :
data by category idundefined
To filter the values in array by some condition you can use filter method. Also you need to use number
type in this method due to reportCategoryID
in provided data has number type.
GetreportByCategoryId(id: number) {
return this.allReportsubCategory
.filter(category => category.reportCategoryID === id);