I am a beginner programmer trying to build tetris in Python using Pygame. The problem is that I am unable to make my test shape fall. Only go up. When I attempt to make the shape fall, the program gives me an
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
I was wondering if I could please get help? The code is listed as follows.
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
import base64
from TetrisFont import Tetrisfont
from RGBTitle import RGBTitle
from TetrisLogo import logo
from BSOD import Cancer
from BSODFont import Death
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.running = True
def run(self):
# The main gameplay loop
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while self.running:
def handle_events(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == DOWN:
for ix, x in enumerate(self.grid):
for iy, y in enumerate(self.grid[0]):
print (y, end='')
print('') # create a new line
for x in range(len(self.grid)):
for y in range(len(self.grid[0])):
if self.grid[x][y] == True:
self.grid[x][y]= False
self.grid[x][y+1] = True
# print(x, y+1)
if event.type == QUIT:
self.running = False
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
def draw(self):
# Handle game rendering
pygame.draw.rect(self.windowSurface,WHITE,(550,0, 250, 600), 2)
for x in range(0,600,50):
pygame.draw.line(self.windowSurface,WHITE,(1,x),(550,x), 2)
pygame.draw.line(self.windowSurface,WHITE,(x,1),(x,550), 2)
for x in range(len(self.grid)):
for y in range(len(self.grid[0])):
if self.grid[x][y] == True:
# draw a block in the right place
# render_rect(X * 50, Y * 50, )
pygame.draw.rect(self.windowSurface, RED, (x*50+2, y*50+2, 48, 48))
def update(self, deltaTime):
def load_assets(self):
# Load assets needed for the game. This should only be called once.
pygame.time.set_timer(DOWN, 500)
with open('Tetrisfont.ttf', 'wb') as imagef:
self.Font = pygame.font.Font('Tetrisfont.ttf', 48)
with open('Logo.png', 'wb') as imagef:
with open('BSODFont.ttf', 'wb') as imagef:
self.BSODFont = pygame.font.Font('BSODFont.ttf', 48)
with open('BSOD.png', 'wb') as imagef:
self.windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), 0, 32)
self.a = pygame.image.load('Logo.png')
def initialize_game(self):
# Set up the board for play. This can happen multiple times to restart the game.
self.score = 0
self.title = RGBTitle(self.Font, "Tetris", (200, 550), [WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, RED])
grid_width = 11
grid_height = 11
self.grid = [[0 for x in range(grid_width)] for y in range(grid_height)]
# self.grid = []
# for x in range(11):
# self.grid.append([False] * 11)
self.grid[5][5] = True
# print(self.grid)
# print(len(self.grid))
# print(len(self.grid[0]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
g = Game()
Thank you.
The error is caused, by self.grid[x][y+1]
for x in range(len(self.grid)): for y in range(len(self.grid[0])): if self.grid[x][y] == True: self.grid[x][y]= False self.grid[x][y+1] = True
If y
is equal self.grid[0]-1
, then y+1
is out of range.
Add an additional condition if y+1 < len(self.grid[0])
. Furthermore, I recommend to iterate through the grid in reversed()
order from the bottom to the top:
for x in range(len(self.grid)):
for y in reversed(range(len(self.grid[0]))):
if self.grid[x][y] == True:
self.grid[x][y] = False
if y+1 < len(self.grid[0]):
self.grid[x][y+1] = True