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Mininet : Creating a host with multiple interfaces and assigning IP address using addLink()

I want to create a network with 2 hosts connected to each other via 3 links (each link belonging to a different network)

   _________10.0.0.0/31 network________________
  |                                            |
H1+--------- network----------------+H2
  | ________10.0.2.0/31 network----------------|

I followed the solution given in the mininet mailing list to try and add the links.

self.addLink( 'h1', s1, params1={'ip':'10.3/8'} )

While the hosts do get 3 interfaces only one of the interfaces gets assigned the default IP I dug through the source code and the way I did it should work but I don't understand why mine doesn't

from mininet.topo import Topo
from import TCLink, Link
from import Mininet

class MyTopo( Topo ):
    "Simple topology example."

    def __init__( self ):
        "Create custom topo."

        # Initialize topology
        Topo.__init__( self )

        # Add hosts and switches
        lH = self.addHost( 'h1' )
        rH = self.addHost( 'h2')

        # Add links
        self.addLink(lH, rH, bw = 10, delay='50ms', params1={ 'ip' : '' }, params2={ 'ip' : '' })
        self.addLink(lH, rH, bw = 1, delay='200ms', params1={ 'ip' : '' }, params2={ 'ip' : '' })
        self.addLink(lH,rH, bw = 0.1, delay='500ms',  params1={ 'ip' : '' }, params2={ 'ip' : '' })

topos = { 'mytopo': ( lambda: MyTopo() ) }


  • I just needed to pass intf=TCIntf to the addLink() function and pass the appropriate arguments

    self.addLink(lH, rH, intf=TCIntf,  params1={'delay':'50ms', 'bw' : 10, 'ip' : '' }