I have a camel route which reads in messages in batches from a queue, processes the message and proceeds to send them one by one to an api and awaits the api response.
I am having issue with retrieving the original message recieved at the start when a 500 response is thrown.
I thought that the splitter returns the original message?
Here is my route:
.when().jsonpath("Message", true)
.split().method(messageSplitter, "splitMessages")
.log(INFO, "Received Message : ${body}")
.process(requestProcessor) //where the exception is thrown and the original message that is used in the exception handler is picking up
.log("Completed processing...");
and here is my exception handler in the same class:
private void configureExceptionHandlers() {
onException(ProviderException.class) //thrown when 500 error occurs
.useOriginalMessage() //picks message in the form the process(requestProcessor) method recieves it instead of start of route
Solved by adding shareUnitOfWork
.split().method(activityMessageSplitter, "splitActivityMessages").shareUnitOfWork()