I have a transformer routine written in C++ that is set to clear all whitespace and map to a value if the input string is either null or empty. The c++ code compiles and has tested properly, but I am having trouble getting the routine to work in Datastage.
As per instructions, I have copied the exact compiler options that I have in my DS Environment as below.
g++ -c -O -fPIC -Wno-deprecated -m64 -mtune=generic -mcmodel=small BlankToValue.cpp
g++ -shared -m64 BlankToValue.so BlankToValue.o
When testing the routine in a job however I get the following error.
Sequential_File_36,0: Internal Error: (shbuf): iomgr/iomgr.C: 2649
Is there a different set of options I should be using for compilation?
For reference, the c++ code.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <locale.h>
#include <locale>
char * BlankToValue(char *InStr, char *RepStr)
if (InStr[0] == '\0') // Check for null pointer at first character of input string.
return RepStr; // Return replacement string if true. This is to prevent unnecessary processing.
} else
const char* checkstr = InStr; // Establish copy of inputstring stored in checkstring.
do { // Start outer loop.
while (isspace(*checkstr)) { // Inner loop while current checkstring byte is whitespace.
++checkstr; // Increment to next checkstring byte.
} while ((*InStr++ = *checkstr++)); // Set inputstring byte to current checkstring and iterate both. Breaks when either string evaluates to null.
*InStr = '\0'; // Set null terminator for input string at current byte location.
if (InStr[0] == '\0') // Checks first character of cleaned input string for null pointer.
return RepStr; // Return replacement string if true.
} else
return InStr; // Return new input string if false.
After a day or two of multiple attempts to try different compile and code approaches I found the solution to my problem. The below code was throwing a segmentation fault when passed a null column. Which makes sense in retrospect.
if (InStr[0] == '\0')
It has been corrected to the below and now everything works properly.
if ((InStr == NULL) || (InStr[0] == '\0'))