i'm working in a rest API using Spring boot. when i wanted to return my entity from an End Point i realized that the Properties are different from what i need on my response so i tried to use Model Mapper to return a DTO.
My entity is like this:
public class RuleEntity {
private String ruleId;
private String bankDecision;
private String aggregatorFunctionType;
private String limitOperatorType;
private double limitRule;
private Integer windowMinutes;
private Integer layer;
private String expressionRule;
private String status;
private List<GroupingKeyName> groupingKeyNames;
private List<RuleFilter> ruleFilters;
And the DTO that i need Must Be Like this:
public class RuleDTO {
private String ruleId;
private String bankDecision;
private String aggregatorFunctionType;
private String limitOperatorType;
private double limitRule;
private Integer windowMinutes;
private Integer layer;
private String expressionRule;
private String status;
private List<String> groupingKeyNames;
private List<String> ruleFilters;
The only change is that the last two lists are of String instead of The Object
The Objects groupingKeyNames and ruleFilters have a Name and an ID, and i only need the name on the list of DTO so it is a List of Strings
I tried using Model Mapper like this:
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
RuleSetModel ruleSetModel = modelMapper.map(ruleSetEntity, RuleSetModel.class);
it works, with all the properties but in the Lists it is returning something like:
groupingKeyNames=[GroupingKeyName(groupingKeyId=1, name=cardHash)], ruleFilters=[RuleFilter(ruleFilterId=1, name=status)]
What could i do so i get a result like this:
groupingKeyNames=[cardHash], ruleFilters=[status]
Thanks in advance!
Create a method into your RuleEntity to do it
public RuleDTO dto() {
// config to skip
PropertyMap<RuleEntity, RuleDTO> propertyMap = new PropertyMap<RuleEntity, RuleDTO>() {
protected void configure() {
RuleDTO ruleDTO = new RuleDTO();
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
if (!this.groupingKeyNames.isEmpty()) {
List<String> tmpGroupingKeyNames = new ArrayList<>();
this.getGroupingKeyNames().forEach(itemDTO -> {
if (!this.ruleFilters.isEmpty()) {
List<String> tmpRuleFilters = new ArrayList<>();
this.getRuleFilters().forEach(itemDTO -> {
return ruleDTO;