I need to set format for BRL coin into my sheet. I'm using Apache POI for set currency style with code below:
XSSFCellStyle style = xssfWorkbook.createCellStyle();
But when i open my xlsx file into LibreOffice (i'm a linux user ), my cells are not formatted. Checking the cell contains a quote ' at beggin of cell value and when retired this quote, my cell value is formatted correctly. Prints of my sheet after and before. Please any sugestions?
Edit: My method that create and setValue into cell ( passing as parameter the style above):
public XSSFCell criarCelula(int indice, String conteudo, XSSFRow linha, XSSFCellStyle estilo) {
XSSFCell celula = linha.createCell(indice);
return celula;
I got it with sugestion of Axel Ritcher. Using my content into double type instead of string.
Double conteudo;