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onPageScrollStateChanged(int state): what does state represent

Whenever I set .registerOnPageChangeCallback on my viewpager 3 methods are called, one of them is onPageScrollStateChanged, I want to know what is the variable state represents?


  • From documentation:

    public static final int SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING

    Indicates that the ViewPager2 is currently being dragged by the user, or programmatically via fake drag functionality.

    Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

    public static final int SCROLL_STATE_IDLE

    Indicates that the ViewPager2 is in an idle, settled state. The current page is fully in view and no animation is in progress.

    Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

    public static final int SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING

    Indicates that the ViewPager2 is in the process of settling to a final position.

    Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

    For more check Documentation