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HTTPoison request failes on specific machine but works in another machine

Am doing a post with HTTPoison, on one machine everything works well, but in the other the same code, with similar environment parameters.!("https://remote_api", "", [{"X-TOKEN", System.get_env("API_TOKEN"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}])

fails with

** (HTTPoison.Error) {:options, {:sslv3, {:versions, [:"tlsv1.2", :"tlsv1.1", :tlsv1, :sslv3]}}}
    (httpoison) lib/httpoison.ex:128: HTTPoison.request!/5

both machines are setup the same running centos7, but i get expected results in one but not in the other. am not sure what i got wrong

Downgrading to OTP 22 fixed it, thanks Aleksei Matiushkin.


  • Bumping hackney to version 1.16 worked for me.

     defp deps do
          {:httpoison, "~> 1.6"},
          {:hackney, "~> 1.16"}