I have a java target v4 ANTLR grammar. I want to implement the same functionality of embedded semantic predicate using a listener to free my grammar from language specific embedded actions. The propose is to deactivate an alternate sub rule matching. I know how to write an extend BaseListener and overide that but really do not know how to do this since I am a beginner.
grammar MyParserGrammar;
@parser::members {
public static boolean singularSub, pluralSub;
sentence: (subject beVerb)+
subject: singularSub {singularSub=true;}|
pluralSub {pluralSub=true;};
singularSub : 'He';
pluralSub : 'They';
beVerb: {singularSub}? 'is'|
{pluralSub}? 'are';
WS: [ \t\r\n]->skip;
The exact part I want to sift and very hard for me is:
beVerb: {singularSub}? 'is'|
{pluralSub}? 'are';
My Listener
public MyGListener extends MyParserGrammarBaseListener{
public void exitBeVerb(MyParserGrammarParser.BeVerbContext ctx) {
You could do something like this:
: sentence+ EOF
: subject beVerb
and then override the enterSentence(...)
method and inspect the subject
and beVerb
from it:
class MyGListener extends MyParserGrammarBaseListener {
public void enterSentence(MyParserGrammarParser.SentenceContext ctx) {
boolean isPluralSubject = ctx.subject().getText().equals("They");
boolean isPluralVerb = ctx.beVerb().getText().equals("are");
if (isPluralSubject != isPluralVerb) {
// throw an exception?
Note that for parsing real human languages, ANTLR is not a good fit. In such cases, look into using something like Stanford's Natural Language Processing tools: https://nlp.stanford.edu/software