Let's say I have this object:
const someProps = { darkMode: true, underlineMistakes: false, spellingView: (...), grammerView: (...) };
I do not necessarily know the names of any of the props, except that 1+ end in 'View'.
and I want to only destructure the keys that end in 'view', which I'd like to do something like:
const propsEndingInView = Object.keys(someProps).filter(prop => !prop.endsWith('View');
const {
...nonViewProps, // darkMode, underlineMistakes
propsEndingInView // {spellingView: (...), grammerView: (...)}
} = someProps;
I need to somehow separate the two kinds of props, preferably while
I can't think how to do this, or even if it's possible.
Destructuring is just way to get the properties you already know. You can't do this with destructuring. You can create a custom method to filter out the keys to get a subset of the object
const someProps = {
darkMode: true,
underlineMistakes: false,
spellingView: 'spellingView',
grammerView: 'grammerView'
const subset = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(someProps).filter(([k]) => k.endsWith('View'))