I've been having trouble with some comma based RegEx creation. In the following structure the first 19 columns should be split only by commas, the next 3 columns have { }
but inside these brackets I can have more brackets (it's a "script block"). So for the last 3 I want to have everything inside ,{}
This is the structure
ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK[:MATK],DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }
With this for example
1624,Lich_Bone_Wand,Lich's Bone Wand,5,20,,800,60:170,,1,2,0x00018314,18,2,2,3,70,1,10,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDex,1; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead; .@r = getrefine(); bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"NPC_WIDECURSE",5,10+.@r; if(.@r>=9){ bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bMaxSP,300; } },{},{}
I've found this ([^\,]*),"x(19)."(\{.*\}),"x(2)."(\{.*\})
but it's in Perl and I couldn't translate to JavaScript. I can see that if I combine (\{.*\})
three times (like this (\{.*\}),(\{.*\}),(\{.*\})
, it will get me the last 3 columns and this ([^\,]*),
will get me the first columns split correctly but also interfere with the last ones and so I tried "limiting" it to the first 19 occurences but if I do ([^\,]*),{19}
it won't work
How would I accomplish this?
There is more than one way to accomplish this using a combination of replace & split:
, split on commas, restore the commas within each array item{
to last occurrence of }
, keeping track of nesting{...}
Here is an example for the first option, where we temporarily replace commas within {...}
function properSplit(line) {
return line
.replace(/(\{[^,]*,.*?\})(?=,)/g, function(m, p1) {
return p1.replace(/,/g, '\x01');
.map(function(item) {
return item.replace(/\x01/g, ',');
var str = "1624,Lich_Bone_Wand,Lich's Bone Wand,5,20,,800,60:170,,1,2,0x00018314,18,2,2,3,70,1,10,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDex,1; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead; .@r = getrefine(); bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,\"NPC_WIDECURSE\",5,10+.@r; if(.@r>=9){ bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bMaxSP,300; } },{},{}";
console.log(JSON.stringify(properSplit(str), null, ' '));
"Lich's Bone Wand",
"{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDex,1; bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Undead; .@r = getrefine(); bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,\"NPC_WIDECURSE\",5,10+.@r; if(.@r>=9){ bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bMaxSP,300; } }",
replaces commas within {...}
with a non-printable character '\x01'
. It scans non-greedily to the next },
pattern, where the ,
is a positive lookaheadsplit()
now misses the commas within {...}
restored the non-printable chars to commas