After upgrading to Intershop CM, we are getting NullPtr exceptions while opening store detail page in backoffice.
ISML template for store details is EditStore_52.isml, which includes ISCountrySelectBox module, which futhermore calls getCountryNamesAndCodes() method.
That method fails with NullPtr exception because of underlined call which returns null.
We are wondering whether this is a bug and whether the intended code was supposed to be:
countriesMap.put(country.getId(), country.getDisplayName(currentLocale));
Please advise on workaround for this situation. The following is a stack trace for exception.
The more convenient way (because editing xml import files is tedious) would be to replace the erroneous implementation using guice module override. In a nutshell:
into a class of your own in your custom cartridge. For example: I just created a class AppSFLocalizedCountryNamesProviderImpl
in cartridge app_sf_responsive
to test this.configure
operation should look like this: @Override
protected void configure()