I want to use the <delete>
key (C-d, I think) for forward-deletion in viper-mode.
Before starting viper-mode, <delete>
works correctly. In viper-mode, <delete>
jumps to the buffer's last line.
I have added (setq viper-ex-style-editing nil)
to .viper and <backspace>
works in all modes.
Try this:
(define-key viper-vi-basic-map "\C-d" 'viper-delete-char)
(define-key viper-insert-basic-map "\C-d" 'viper-delete-char)
Now, that uses the viper-delete-char
command to be consistent with viper
. If you want the regular emacs deletion behavior, use delete-char
is implemented using a bunch of different keymaps, and figuring out which ones to modify is tricky. The easiest way (usually) is to just look at the source code. So you could start with M-x find-library viper. Note: Most keymaps are actually defined in the library viper-cmd