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function st_intersects(bytea, bytea) is not unique

When trying to combine two tables and export the result to a csv file, I am getting this error i.e. function st_intersects(bytea, bytea) is not unique.

The whole screen after running the command and it also shows the tables that I am trying to combine.


  • The problem is that you use the wrong data type (bytea) for your geometrical data.

    PostgreSQL can convert between bytea and geometry / geography implicitly:

    \dC bytea
                             List of casts
       Source type   | Target type |      Function      | Implicit? 
     bytea           | geography   | geography          | yes
     bytea           | geometry    | geometry           | yes
     geography       | bytea       | bytea              | yes
     geometry        | bytea       | bytea              | yes
    (7 rows)

    Now there are three functions st_intersects:

    \df st_intersects
                                      List of functions
     Schema |     Name      | Result data type |       Argument data types        | Type 
     public | st_intersects | boolean          | geog1 geography, geog2 geography | func
     public | st_intersects | boolean          | geom1 geometry, geom2 geometry   | func
     public | st_intersects | boolean          | text, text                       | func
    (3 rows)

    Now following its function type resolution rules, PostgreSQL has no way to determine if you want the first or the second of these functions, which causes the error message.


    1. Use the appropriate data type (geometry or geography) in your table definitions.

    2. Use an explicit cast, like the error message tells you:

      st_intersects(CAST (g1 AS geometry), CAST (g2 AS geometry))

    I think it was a bad choice of PostGIS to make both casts implicit.