I have an equation: y=ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d
and the list of values x = 1, 2, 3, 4
when y = 3, 4, 3, -6
respectively. In Octave, I want to:
(a) Set up a system of four equations involving a, b, c and d. For example, substituting (x, y) = (1,3) into the polynomial gives the equation 3 = a + b + c + d.
(b) Solve the system in (a).
I've been trying to find how to do this for three hours and found nothing. Any help would be appreciated
pstscrpt - I have to do everything in Octave, even though I could find it by hand
Written without any ;
at end of assignements so you can see what is going on.
You problem is basically a linear system in the variables [a,b,c,d]'=z
So you need to build a system A*z=y, where A is a matrix 4x4, y and z are column vector size 4
for i=1:4
A(i,:)= [ x(i)^3, x(i)^2, x(i), 1]
the outcome will be
z =