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If blank return 0 else run vlookup

I would like to use the vlookup function to match two criteria values firstly based on the value selected in a dropdown menu (country) and the value in A2(name). If the value in A2 Sheet matches the one of the values in the A column in Sheet2 and the value of the dropdown menu in Sheet1 matches one of the values in Sheet2 Column D (Which is a concatenation of the name and country) I would like to return the corresponding value in Sheet2 ColumnC.

If the value is 0 or blank I would like to return 0.

This is what I have tried


Not sure what I might be doing wrong

Here is a sample of my data

Sheet 1:

A           B             C        
name1      (vlookup)    [dropdownmenu]

and Sheet 2

A                 B                    C
name1            val                   concatenationofA&B

Here is a test sheet as requested:


  • try:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(VLOOKUP(A2:A&C2:C, {Sheet2!A2:A&Sheet2!B2:B, Sheet2!C2:C}, 2, 0), 0))

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