I have a function with a switch statement that looks for a single case and if it doesn't find it, runs default which is another switch statement. It is basically doing a lookup through my entire array. Im sure there is a better way to do this I am just new to javascript and don't know. Here is a snippet:
for(var i=0; i < parks.length; i++) {
switch (parks[i][6]) {
case 'wc' :
wc.push(L.marker([parks[i][1], parks[i][2]], {icon: parks[i][4]}).bindpopup("<a href='" + parks[i][3] + "'>" + parks[i][0] + "</a>"));
default :
switch (parks[i][7]) {
case 'grill' :
grill.push(L.marker([parks[i][1], parks[i][2]], {icon: parks[i][4]}).bindpopup("<a href='" + parks[i][3] + "'>" + parks[i][0] + "</a>"));
default :
An example of my parks array because everyone is asking:
var parks = [
['Spårvagnsparken',59.3298868,18.0031605,'http://leksplay.com/sparvagnsparken', greenIcon, wc, grill, null, null, fence, null, null, null, null],
['Fredhällsparkens plaskdamm', 59.3320485,18.0029481, 'http://leksplay.com/fredhallsparkensplaskdamm', greenIcon, wc, null, null, null, null, null, null, water, null],
['Uggleparken', 59.3343715,18.0040208,'http://leksply.com/uggleparken', greenIcon, wc, null, null, null, null, pfence, null, null, null],
['Observatorielundens Parklek', 59.3413877,18.056007, 'http://leksplay.com/observatorielundensparklek', greenIcon, wc, null, null, null, null, pfence, null, null, toddler],
Given your provided array, I would
, not bindpopup
as Object {}
, "wc"
etc) newMarker()
into the markers
Object.const markers = {};
const newMarker = poi => L.marker([poi.lat, poi.lng], {icon: poi.icon})
.bindPopup(`<a href="${poi.url}">${poi.name}</a>`);
const parks = [
['Spårvagnsparken', 59.3298868, 18.0031605, 'http://leksplay.com/sparvagnsparken', "greenIcon", "wc", "grill", null, null, "pfence", null, null, null, null],
['Fredhällsparkens plaskdamm', 59.3320485, 18.0029481, 'http://leksplay.com/fredhallsparkensplaskdamm', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, null, null, "water", null],
['Uggleparken', 59.3343715, 18.0040208, 'http://leksply.com/uggleparken', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, "pfence", null, null, null],
['Observatorielundens Parklek', 59.3413877, 18.056007, 'http://leksplay.com/observatorielundensparklek', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, "pfence", null, null, "toddler"],
parks.forEach(([name, lat, lng, url, icon, ...props]) => {
props.filter(Boolean).forEach(prop => {
if (!(prop in markers)) markers[prop] = []; // Prepare if not exists
markers[prop].push(newMarker({name, lat, lng, url, icon}));
Example (with objects only, for demo):
const markers = {};
const newMarker = poi => poi;
const parks = [
['Spårvagnsparken', 59.3298868, 18.0031605, 'http://leksplay.com/sparvagnsparken', "greenIcon", "wc", "grill", null, null, "pfence", null, null, null, null],
['Fredhällsparkens plaskdamm', 59.3320485, 18.0029481, 'http://leksplay.com/fredhallsparkensplaskdamm', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, null, null, "water", null],
['Uggleparken', 59.3343715, 18.0040208, 'http://leksply.com/uggleparken', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, "pfence", null, null, null],
['Observatorielundens Parklek', 59.3413877, 18.056007, 'http://leksplay.com/observatorielundensparklek', "greenIcon", "wc", null, null, null, null, "pfence", null, null, "toddler"],
parks.forEach(([name, lat, lng, url, icon, ...props]) => {
props.filter(Boolean).forEach(prop => {
if (!(prop in markers)) markers[prop] = []; // Prepare if not exists
markers[prop].push(newMarker({name, lat, lng, url, icon}));