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Improving accuracy on a multi-class image classifiier

I am building a classifier using the Food-101 dataset. The dataset has predefined training and test sets, both labeled. It has a total of 101,000 images. I’m trying to build a classifier model with >=90% accuracy for top-1. I’m currently sitting at 75%. The training set was provided unclean. But now, I would like to know some of the ways I can improve my model and what are some of the things I’m doing wrong.

I’ve partitioned the train and test images into their respective folders. Here, I am using 0.2 of the training dataset to validate the learner by running 5 epochs.

data = ImageList.from_folder(path).split_by_rand_pct(valid_pct=0.2).label_from_re(pat=file_parse).transform(size=224).databunch()

top_1 = partial(top_k_accuracy, k=1)
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet50, metrics=[accuracy, top_1], callback_fns=ShowGraph)
epoch   train_loss  valid_loss  accuracy    top_k_accuracy  time
0       2.153797    1.710803    0.563498    0.563498    19:26
1       1.677590    1.388702    0.637096    0.637096    18:29
2       1.385577    1.227448    0.678746    0.678746    18:36
3       1.154080    1.141590    0.700924    0.700924    18:34
4       1.003366    1.124750    0.707063    0.707063    18:25

enter image description here

And here, I’m trying to find the learning rate. Pretty standard to how it was in the lectures:

LR Finder is complete, type {learner_name}.recorder.plot() to see the graph.
Min numerical gradient: 1.32E-06
Min loss divided by 10: 6.31E-08

enter image description here

Using the learning rate of 1e-06 to run another 5 epochs. Saving it as stage-2

learn.fit_one_cycle(5, max_lr=slice(1.e-06))'stage-2')
epoch   train_loss  valid_loss  accuracy    top_k_accuracy  time
0       0.940980    1.124032    0.705809    0.705809    18:18
1       0.989123    1.122873    0.706337    0.706337    18:24
2       0.963596    1.121615    0.706733    0.706733    18:38
3       0.975916    1.121084    0.707195    0.707195    18:27
4       0.978523    1.123260    0.706403    0.706403    17:04

enter image description here

Previously I ran 3 stages altogether but the model wasn’t improving beyond 0.706403 so I didn’t want to repeat it. Below is my confusion matrix. I apologize for the terrible resolution. Its the doing of Colab.

enter image description here

Since I’ve created an additional validation set, I decided to use the test set to validate the saved model of stage-2 to see how well it was performing:

path = '/content/food-101/images'
data_test = ImageList.from_folder(path).split_by_folder(train='train', valid='test').label_from_re(file_parse).transform(size=224).databunch()


This is the result:

[0.87199837, tensor(0.7584), tensor(0.7584)]


    • Try augmentations like RandomHorizontalFlip, RandomResizedCrop, RandomRotate, Normalize etc from torchvision transforms. These always help a lot in classification problems.

    • Label smoothing and/or Mixup precision training.

    • Simply try using a more optimized architecture, like EfficientNet.
    • Instead of OneCycle, a longer, more manual training approach may help. Try Stochastic Gradient Descent with a weight decay of 5e-4 and a Nesterov Momentum of 0.9. Use Warmup Training of around 1-3 epochs, and then regular training of around 200 epochs. You could set a manual learning rate schedule or cosine annealing or some other scheme. This entire method will consume a lot more time and effort than the usual onecycle training, and should be explored only if other methods don't show considerable gains.