Does anyone know the syntax to use when reading a Google custom search results object?
Here is the JSDoc notation of the results object from
content: string,
contentNoFormatting: string,
contextUrl: string, // For image search results only
fileFormat: string,
image: { // For image search reseults only
height: number,
url: string,
width: number,
perResultLabels: !Array<{
anchor: string,
label: string,
labelWithOp: string,
richSnippet: !Array<!Object>, // For web search results only
thumbnailImage: {
height: number,
url: string,
width: number,
title: string,
titleNoFormatting: string,
url: string,
visibleUrl: string,
I need to get at the "url" (thumbnailimage.url) but unsure of the syntax to use to reference it.
here is where I need to use it. See comment below
here is where I need to use it. See comment below
const makeResultParts = (result) => {
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = result['thumbnailImage'] // <<---this needs to be the thumbnailImage.url but that syntax does not work = '_blank';
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = ' ' + result['title'];
return [anchor, span];
Assuming result['thumbnailImage']
always exists (according to the docs it should for image searches), this should work for you:
const makeResultParts = (result) => {
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = result['thumbnailImage']['url'] // <<--- Access the url attribute of the thumbnailImage entry = '_blank';
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = ' ' + result['title'];
return [anchor, span];