i'm uploading a document to sharepoint.. however i would like to provide a custom name rather than it inherit the name of the file which im uploading.
my code was based on this solution: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/103503/How-to-upload-download-a-document-in-SharePoint-20.aspx
however this doesnt work.
Additionally, i would also like to provide a title of the file: so i wanted to update the title:
uploadFile.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues["Title"] = "my custom title";
However, once the file has completed its upload..i login to sharepoint and notice the title hasnt been applied.
how can i intergrate uploading the file and applying a new name?
many thanks,
using (var clientContext = GetNewContext())
var uploadLocation = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", SiteUrl, Helpers.ListNames.RequestedDocuments, Path.GetFileName(document));
//Get Document List
var documentslist = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(Helpers.ListNames.RequestedDocuments);
var fileCreationInformation = new FileCreationInformation
Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(document), //Assign to content byte[] i.e. documentStream
Overwrite = true, //Allow owerwrite of document
Url = uploadLocation //Upload URL,
var uploadFile = documentslist.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileCreationInformation);
uploadFile.ListItemAllFields.FieldValues["Title"] = title;
site.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.FailOnFirstConflict, true);
You are missing a call to clientContext.Load after you add the file to the Files collection. See these blog posts for more information:
This code sample is from the first blog post linked above:
public Boolean UploadDocument(String fileName, String filePath, List metaDataList)
SP.ClientContext ctx = new SP.ClientContext("http: //yoursharepointURL");
Web web = ctx.Web;
FileCreationInformation newFile = new FileCreationInformation();
newFile.Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C: \TestFile.doc");
newFile.Url = " / " + fileName;
List docs = web.Lists.GetByTitle("Shared Documents");
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File uploadFile = docs.RootFolder.Files.Add(newFile);
SPClient.ListItem item = uploadFile.ListItemAllFields;
//Set the metadata
string docTitle = string.Empty;
item["Title"] = docTitle;