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CollectionView SelectedItem is not highlighted in Xamarin Forms

I am trying to highlight Xamarin Forms CollectionView Item, but it seems it doesn't highlight. While debugging I found out that if I remove the SwipeView Gesture event it works as expected. Additionally, in the current code the selection item is changed, but the color is not changning. How can I highlight the selected item?

<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding SomeList}" 
SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentItem}" SelectionMode="Single" x:Name="itemView">
     <GridItemsLayout Orientation="Vertical" Span="1"/>
         <SwipeGestureRecognizer Direction="Right"
          Command="{Binding BindingContext.SwipGestureCommand, Source={x:Reference itemView}}"
   <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" Padding="5">
         <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
        <VisualState Name="Normal" />
        <VisualState Name="Selected">
                     <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Yellow" />
          <Label LineBreakMode="WordWrap"  Text="{Binding SomeText}"/>

How to highlight the selected collectionview item?


  • Please upgrade Xamarin.Forms version to 4.6 and above, then modify your code like the following code,setting swip background color as white, and adding VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups for swip.

                ItemsSource="{Binding SomeList}"
                    <GridItemsLayout Orientation="Vertical" Span="1" />
                        <SwipeView BackgroundColor="White">
                                    Command="{Binding BindingContext.SwipGestureCommand, Source={x:Reference itemView}}"
                                    Direction="Right" />
                            <StackLayout Padding="5" Orientation="Vertical">
                                <Label LineBreakMode="WordWrap" Text="{Binding SomeText}" />
                                <VisualStateGroup Name="CommonStates">
                                    <VisualState Name="Normal" />
                                    <VisualState Name="Selected">
                                            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Yellow" />

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