I have created collectible objects and a vector to store them, for easy and efficient deletion on contact.
I know that my contact listener works, and that my marked, GetBody and SetUserData functions for my collectibles also work.
I have tried checking each individual collectible object for contact, which does work, although throws a user data error for other reasons.
I know that this works because if I use the following code:
if (m_coin2->marked())
The coin object in question does in fact turn blue.
This is my game header file (relevant code only):
class Game : public sf::Drawable {
Collectible* m_coin;
Collectible* m_coin2;
Collectible* m_coin3;
Collectible* m_coin4;
Collectible* m_coin5;
Collectible* scoreBlock;
Character* m_character;
int score = 0;
std::vector<Collectible> m_coins;
This is my game.cpp file (relevant parts only):
//In the constructor
//create collectibles
//hud elements
scoreBlock = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(scoreText.getPosition().x + .6f, -2.6f), sf::Vector2f(0.5f, 0.5f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coin = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(4.f, 2.15f), sf::Vector2f(0.3f, 0.3f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coin2 = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(16.5f, -0.6f), sf::Vector2f(0.3f, 0.3f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coin3 = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(30.f, 0.4f), sf::Vector2f(0.3f, 0.3f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coin4 = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(20.f, 1.4f), sf::Vector2f(0.3f, 0.3f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coin5 = new Collectible(m_pWorld, sf::Vector2f(47.f, -1.f), sf::Vector2f(0.3f, 0.3f), 0.f, &m_collect);
m_coins = { *m_coin, *m_coin2, *m_coin3, *m_coin4, *m_coin5 };
//In the update function
for (auto it = m_coins.begin(); it != m_coins.end(); it++)
if (it->marked())
At the moment, this does nothing on contact between the player and the collectible, I think it may be something to do with the way I initialised the vector?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
If you iterate through a vector, you better do not use the erase function of the vector in the iteration loop. Use a while loop instead. Or the problem is that you only use a copy of the coins and not the pointer to the coins.
That's what I would do:
std::vector<Collectible*> m_coins;
m_coins = { m_coin, m_coin2, m_coin3, m_coin4, m_coin5 };
//In the update function
auto it = m_coins.begin();
while (it != m_coins.end())
if ((*it)->marked())